Tuesday, February 09, 2010

OMEN FOR A REVOLUTION: GOP Running out the Clock on the Fortunes of The American People

TO MEMBERS OF THE GOP IN THE HOUSE & SENATE: The President of the United States of America has invited you to a Health Care Summit. May I remind you that you are NOT Being PAID by the American people to do what Dick Morris, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter or Roger Stone want you to do in IGNORING the President. Don't get giddy at polls showing the President's approval rating below 50%. After all the country is mirred in The Great Recession, courtesy of eight years of GOP rule and policies which may have made Dick Cheney very wealthy and his friends worth hundreds of millions, if not billions more but resulted in a significant decline in the net worth of the Average American Citizen. It's no surprise that you hide behind angry populist rhetoric,while obstructing and impeding this President from making any progress even on administrative issues while seeking to extract concessions in exchange for the ability to function, lest the people truly figure you out that the rhetoric masks your complete and utter submission to the special interests whom OWN each and every one of you. The so called "party of ideas" has found itself so intellectually bankrupt that Christopher Buckley, the son of Conservative Icon, William F. Buckley, Jr., Founder of the National Review had to turn away from the Republican Party in the last election. Sarah Palin & The Tea Party have replaced the so called intellectuals in your party and that is truly sad.

WE THE PEOPLE WHO PAY YOUR SALARY expect you to work along side him to solve this country's problems. You may not respect Obama like you did Reagan but the guy is
The President and the people who pay your salaries expect you to work to solve this country's problems, not to hunker down in your bunkers and become the problem. You want to respectfully disagree with the President's agenda, offer up alternative, workable solutions and not wait for the Conservative Supreme Court to throw you a bone so that FOREIGN CORPORATIONS can now officially buy and own you to continue to work against the American people. Am I telling you not to fight for inclusion of your principles in The President's Agenda---he was after all elected with a mandate? No. READ the book, "The Right Fight", choose your battles and pick the right issues to fight over and advance the debate. As the minority party you do not get to dictate the debate.

THE TRUTH IS THAT YOU DO NOT RESPECT PRESIDENT OBAMA in the way you do your own parties Patron Saint,
Ronald Reagan, but like Ronald Reagan, Obama was elected President of the United States by a very wide margin. Let's be clear, GOP Vote Suppression efforts in battleground states and fermenting white rage may have been enough to slice and dice Obama's victory margin to prevent him from gaining 400 electoral votes so that you could deny that his victory was a landslide that provided him with a mandate to govern. As if? That is like the Indianapolis Colts claiming that they only lost by two touchdowns to the New Orleans Saints so therefore they deserve to share the Vince Lombardi Trophy. Gimme a break. Even now some Republicans still drink the Acorn Kool Aid, despite the compelling case put forth by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Gregory Palast. You say Obama is engaged in an endless campaign but your campaign against him was to undermine his standing from the get go making him unable to govern. And you call yourself Americans? Hell, at least we knew where Jessie Helms stood and finally were able to figure out where Trent Lott stood as well. But, all you need do is as Warner Wolf would say, "Let's go to the Video Tape" and look at the people who descended on the National Mall in DC to celebrate The Inauguration of President Obama, people in all shapes, colors, sizes and ethnic backgrounds. You were there. You saw it. This is not some BLACK REVOLUTION. It was a PEOPLE'S REVOLUTION, with all due respect to Kelly Cutrone who owns somewhat of a Trademark on that name. ;-) If you attempt to diminish, marginalize and destroy his Presidency for the greater good of electoral success in 2010 or 2012, make no mistake, you are fermenting the seeds of revolution. America is running out of chances to right its course. If we do not, the people will descend on Washington in Planes, Trains, Buses, Automobiles and on foot with pitchforks in hand to oust your corrupt hides from the halls of congress and lynch you for Treason on the grass. You think I am kidding? Go ahead, see what 20% plus Unemployment and no food of health care does to the electorate. You won't get Sarah Palin's Tea Party. What you will get is a scene out of CALIGULA.

JUST SAYING NO, while it may be a catchy tag line used by Nancy Reagan, to limit the President's ability to act to run out the clock, is in essence running out the clock on the fortunes of the American people and for that my fellow American, I will never ever forget that and you can count
Chris London as one of the folks who will be on foot armed with a pitchfork in hand on the steps of Congress looking for you. Make no mistake, despite my Ivy League Credentials, I am at the end of the day, a kid from Queens and Brooklyn, so know, I am not f___ing around. There may no longer be a LION IN THE SENATE in the form of Teddy Kennedy to fight for Health Care reform, even though there may be an Obstructionist in the Senate, a Coward in Congress, but there is one in Congress in the name of Anthony Weiner. Nevertheless, I choose to never forget that one man lived every day of the last 30 plus years of his life battling for the people who many of you still think are irrelevant.

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